Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 27
Showing: Items 1 - 27
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Fuerst AND R AND G)

Select Item Title Year Published
A summary of the 1981 EPA national performance audit program on source measurements / 1983
A summary of the 1981 EPA national performance audit program on source measurements / 1983
A summary of the EPA national source performance audit program, 1979 / 1981
A summary of the EPA national source performance audit program, 1980 / 1981
A summary of the interlaboratory source performance surveys for EPA Reference Methods 5, 6 and 7, 1978 / 1980
A summary of the interlaboratory source performance surveys for EPA Reference Methods 6 and 7, 1977 / 1979
Comparison of Audit Techniques and Performance Audit Results for EPA Method 25 for Volatile Organic Compounds. 1987
Development and Evaluation of a Source Sampling and Analysis Method for Hydrogen Cyanide. 1997
Development of Audit Devices and Materials for Source Level Air Pollution Measurement Methods. 1987
Effect of temperature on stability of sulfur dioxide samples collected by the federal reference method / 1976
Evaluation of a continuous colorimetric method for measurement of nitrogen dioxide in ambient air / 1975
Evaluation of a Sampling Method for Acetonitrile Emissions from Stationary Sources. 1997
Field Evaluation of a Modified VOST Sampling Method. 1993
Field Evaluation of EPA Proposed Method 0040 (Sampling and Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds Using Tedlar (Trade Name) Bags). 1997
Field Validation of the Volatile Organic Sampling Train (VOST) Protocol. 1986
Laboratory Evaluation of the Protocol for the Volatile Organic Sampling Train. 1985
Measurement of toxic and related air pollutants : an international symposium / 1996
Measurement of Toxic and Related Air Pollutants. 1996
Replacement of Charcoal Sorbent in the VOST. 1993
Sampling and Analysis Experiments for Improved Characterization of Products of Incomplete Combustion. 1989
Sampling of Volatile Organic Compounds from Combustion Sources Using Tedlar (Trade Name) Bags with Analysis by GC/MS. 1994
Summary of the EPA National Source Performance Audit Program - 1979. 1981
Summary of the EPA National Source Performance Audit Program - 1980. 1981
Validation of the Volatile Organic Sampling Train (VOST) protocol. : Volume 1. Laboratory validation phase / 1986
Validation of the Volatile Organic Sampling Train (VOST) protocol. : Volume II. Field validation phase / 1986
Verification of Advanced Air Monitoring Systems. 1998
Verification testing of advanced environmental monitoring systems / 1998

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